The Sharpshooter is granted up to 140% more damage with each successful headshot from these weapons – with the exception of the 9mm pistol on Hell on Earth difficulty – and will also enjoy up to an extra 50% damage for successful headshots with any other weapon. 44 Magnum, handcannon, MK23, lever-action rifle, crossbow, M14 EBR and the M99 AMR. Weapons of choice include 9mm tactical pistol. The Sharpshooter is one of the hardest hitters in the game and is capable of delivering a very large 'spike' of damage to big and powerful specimens such as the Scrake, Fleshpound, and even the Patriarch, but requires arguably the most skill to use effectively. A sharpshooter can generally be found at the back of a team. This role focuses on the more dangerous threats to the front lines and picks them off with superior accuracy and damage.
The Sharpshooter specialises in long-range weaponry and headshots.